Maximizing Your Solar2024-05-08T11:48:18-06:00

Harnessing More From Your Solar

Choosing the Right Energy Partner

HI Rate


Designed for small micro-generators exporting more electricity to the grid than they are importing.

LO Rate


Designed for small micro-generators importing more electricity from the grid than they are exporting.

Alberta’s Most Innovative Solar Rewards Program

Once you have solar installed on your home, you are considered a micro-generator and are automatically eligible to be part of Alberta’s best solar rewards program.

By joining a Community Retailer, you can leverage the advantage of quickly switching rates. Use the LO Rate during winter months to lower the cost of your utility bill. Switch to the HI Rate in the summer months to maximize your revenue.

The Perks of Membership

Solar Club™ Loyalty Program

Alberta has a wealth of imaginative and environmentally sensitive people. The amount of solar PV systems installed in the province is on the rise. How can we encourage even more micro-generation investment in the province?

We believe in paying micro-generators a reasonable price for the surplus green electricity they produce and ship back to the grid. To encourage more Albertans to invest in solar systems we have introduced the Solar Club™ Loyalty Program.

The program was designed specifically to help small solar micro-generators earn a premium on their solar electricity and help further green Alberta’s electricity grid.

To qualify for all the benefits included in this Solar Club package, you must be listed in the provincial Site Catalog as a micro-generator, and we kindly ask you to consider donating to your local food bank or a charity of your choice.

Included in the Solar Club™ Package

The Original Rate Plan

Switch between our HI and LO Rates to accommodate seasonal generation fluctuations

Credit Balance Transfer

Use a credit balance from your microgen account to pay off one or more upcoming invoices

Sell Your Offsets

Earn extra income by selling your carbon credits in Alberta’s carbon market

Earn Cash Back

Earn 3% cash back on all energy imported from the grid annually


Choose your invoice date using our Pick-a-Date program and control when you pay your bills. Some conditions apply

Community Partners

We will donate a portion of our proceeds to a local Community Partner at no extra cost to you!

Price Match

When the RRO exceeds our HI Rate, you’ll get the RRO price for that month

Shine & Win Contest

Be entered for a chance to win cash prizes and more!
Learn More…

Albertans Serving Albertans

Empowering Your Solar Journey: Choosing the Right Energy Partner

Local Energy

Our Community Retailers offer more than just lower prices, we focus on customer care, education, and on simplifying the complexities of buying energy.

Here in Alberta, buying energy should be simple, hassle free and fairly priced. We understand the market and we have taken a different approach to providing retailing services.

Local Support

We know that supporting local matters, but so does having local support. Our customers tell us repeatedly that they enjoy dealing with people who understand the market and are local.

Our team truly understands the Alberta market and issues that impact consumers. Our Alberta Customer Care Team has extensive training to be the point of contact for customers.

Local Charities

We understand the importance of giving back where we can, that’s why our Community Retailers support charitable organizations through our Community Partners program.

A portion of the proceeds from your electricity invoices is automatically donated to food banks, mental health supports, social services, and other deserving organizations. All of this at no extra cost to you.

What Will It Cost To Green Your Home’s Energy?

With Green Alberta Energy and your local Community Retailer, you can reduce your emissions footprint and support Alberta’s growth of renewable energy.

You are in control. Choose how much of your energy consumption you want to green. Just green what you can afford; every little bit helps.

click to go to our Green Energy Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions

Flipping the Switch: FAQs on Choosing Your Solar Energy Provider

What is the High (HI) rate for? What is the Low (LO) rate for?2024-04-10T13:23:07-06:00

The HI Export Rate is designed for micro-generators who are generating more energy than they are using. This is typically used during the summer months (March to October).

The LO Export Rate is designed for micro-generators who are using more energy than they are generating. This is typically used during the winter months (November to February).

When should I switch between rates, and how do I switch rates?2024-04-10T13:23:29-06:00

Switching rates usually depends on your generation/usage patterns, but most micro-generators switch from LO to HI in March and from HI to LO in October. We send out reminder emails in March and October as well. Contact our Customer Care team if you need help figuring out when to switch.

You can choose an effective date that is as far back as your last meter read date.

Can I really choose a switch date that has occurred in the past?2024-04-10T13:22:41-06:00

Yes, you can! You can switch rates as far back as your last billing cycle, so be sure to take advantage of this time-travelling superpower and use it to maximize the days when your solar panels were capturing the most sunshine!

How often can I switch?2024-03-27T12:35:39-06:00

You can switch once per billing cycle, penalty-free, to accommodate seasonal electricity generation fluctuations.

How does the cash back program work?2024-04-30T12:17:33-06:00

As a Solar Club Member, you will receive cash back on all energy imported from the grid on an annual basis. We calculate your cash back amount per calendar year, and issue payments by direct deposit in February of the following year.

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